Corten Steel Planters on Casters

Putting casters on planters is not always an easy thing to do. The planter has to be sturdy enough to handle being rolled around, and the casters have to be tough enough to support hundreds of pounds of soil that is inside the planter. Our approach was to design a caster frame from angle iron that the casters bolt to, and the corten steel planters sit inside the caster frame. Here are some pictures of our planters at Blue Line Pizza in Campbell, California. The city ordinance does not allow for objects to be left outside the restaurant on the side walk. The planters are used during the day to define a patio space, and are rolled away and stored in the evening. Stop by, have some pizza and beer and check out these planters. corten planter patio 1 corten planter patio 2 corten planter patio 3
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